European Journal of Language and Culture Studies 2025-01-02T19:49:14+01:00 Editor-in-Chief Open Journal Systems <p>European Journal of Language and Culture Studies</p> Lesson Planning in EFL: Raising Learners’ Awareness of the Use of English Imperatives 2024-11-12T10:32:15+01:00 Othman Aljohani Zulfiqar Ahmad <p><span class="fontstyle0">Research studies report the existence of strong positive correlation between lesson planning and teaching effectiveness. However, despite being an essential feature of teaching in EFL settings, lesson planning has been a sparsely researched topic. The present study attempts to present an overview of the related literature on the topic to design a sample lesson on English imperatives. The study unfolds different facets of lesson planning, and tries to incorporate them in the proposed lesson plan. It is anticipated that the study will be helpful to EFL teachers, especially the novice in developing their awareness of lesson planning while teaching a component on language systems. The study might also interest researchers who are planning to conduct research on lesson planning or any other related area.</span> </p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Othman Aljohani, Zulfiqar Ahmad