Crossmark Policy

Our journal participates in CrossMark, a multi-publisher initiative that has developed a standard way for readers to locate the current version of an article. By enforcing CrossMark policies, our journal is committed to maintaining the content it publishes and alerting readers to changes as and when they occur.

Clicking on the CrossMark logo (at the top of each article) provides the current status of an article and directs you to the latest published version and may also provide additional information.

To maintain the integrity and integrity of the academic record, the following policies will apply when published content needs to be corrected; These policies take into account current best practices in the academic publishing and library communities:

1. Correction of an article is peer-reviewed prior to publication, corrections (or Erratum) are published to alert readers to errors in the article that became apparent after the publication of the final article.

2. Retraction Articles may be removed for a variety of reasons, including research misconduct (data fabrication), duplicate or overlapping publication, fraudulent use of data, clear plagiarism, and unethical research.

For any article withdrawn, the reason for the withdrawal and who is instigating the withdrawal will be clearly stated in the Withdrawal notice. The withdrawal notice will be linked to the withdrawn article (which usually remains on the site) and the article will be clearly marked as withdrawn (including the PDF). Generally, an article is withdrawn at the request of the authors or the editor in response to an institutional investigation.

The content of a withdrawn article will only be removed when legal limitations are imposed on the publisher, copyright holder, or author(s), for example, if the article is clearly defamatory or violates the legal rights of others or if the article is the same. subject to a court order. In such cases, the bibliographic information of the article will be kept on the site, along with information about the circumstances that led to the removal of the content.

In rare circumstances, for example, if false or inaccurate data has been published and, if adopted, presents a serious health risk, the original incorrect versions may be removed and a corrected version published. The reason for this partial removal would be clearly stated in the most recent version.