Game on: Notes on Language Learning Potentials Through MMORPGs’ Social and Motivational Dynamics
This paper explores the dynamic intersection between Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) and second language learning, focusing on the intertwined elements of motivation and social interaction. Through a review of existing research, including works by Peterson (2010), Zheng et al. (2009), Thorne et al. (2009), and Sylvén and Sundqvist (2017, 2012), the paper highlights how MMORPGs provide immersive and authentic contexts for language practice. MMORPGs foster receptive and productive language skills by engaging players in complex linguistic exchanges and culturally rich narratives. The intrinsic motivational aspects of gaming and the social dynamics of MMORPGs create an engaging learning environment. However, the paper also acknowledges challenges such as cognitive overload, the use of informal language, the potential propagation of incorrect language use, and the possibility of negative social interactions. In conclusion, while MMORPGs offer innovative platforms for language learning, careful consideration of their opportunities and challenges is essential. The article calls for continued exploration and thoughtful implementation to fully harness the educational potential of MMORPGs in language education.
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